Saturday, August 15, 2009

Getting started-Our summer so far

New to this blog thing so bear with me. Our summer has went really fast, too fast! We have been golfing at least once a week. (well the boys have!) We started out the summer going to Wolf Lodge for Father's Day! We stayed in a small (really small) cabin the first night as it was rainy and then the next in a tent, the boys liked it Gordy and I are really glad we usually stay in our 31 foot trailer!! Then we went to the movie Transformers, the boys said it was the best movie ever, it was pretty good. We have been spending a lot of time at the lake, it has been wonderful!

Mason went to Beats and Rhythms a camp for kids with heart defects, he had a great time, wanted it to be longer! He also started riding his bike, he had one leg too short but now with surgeries he has both legs about the same so it is easier to ride so Yeah Mason! I need to get some pictures of him riding! Bad Mommy! He has also read about 8 books this summer!

Brady is as busy as ever! He took a tumble in the golf course parking lot the other day, scared us both, he ended up with a little bit of road rash but no blood so no foul! Then a week later leaving a different golf course he got stung by two bees in the back of the head, needless to say he isn't too sure about golfing anytime soon! He has had fun this summer, especially one day with his friend Nicholas they spent a whole afternoon jumping off the dock at the lake!

We are headed out tomorrow to see Gordy's parents at their lake for a couple days and then the boys are going to stay with my aunt and uncle so I can go to 1st aid class (which I have taken about 17 times!!) and work in my classroom for a couple days.
Summer is almost over...sad I like being able to sleep in and do my own thing! Oh well!